The Service, Maintenance and Repair of Glycol Chillers
Maximus Chillers are a glycol chiller company that gets the job done- fast! The pictures are of low temperature glycol chillers.
Glycol is used in chillers as an antifreeze where applications have a below (or near) 0°C temperature. Propylene is non toxic and food safe. Prices are narrowing between propylene and ethylene, so customers are choosing it more often. Ethylene is toxic so it cannot be used in conjunction with food production. It tends to be used in dirty and very industrial applications. Brine is often used in the industry, usually for larger and colder applications.
One of the things we check during a maintenance visit is the glycol condition. To do this we use an instrument for testing, then we adjust the glycol solution. See Case Study below.
Incorrect Glycol
Water is used as a secondary refrigerant not because it is abundantly available on earth, but because it has very good thermodynamic properties. Water is very good at absorbing and rejecting heat. The only flaw is that water freezes at zero degrees Celsius. A call out can occur when the end user reports that the chillers are not doing anything. Sometimes, the onsite engineer can be testing and adjusting the glycol condition incorrectly. The fix is to pump out the water system to vessels and re adjust the glycol condition.
Why Choose Us for Glycol Chillers?
When you are having a problem- our engineers are in their element with glycol chillers- they deal with problems all week! We will identify the fault correctly- so the repair goes easy.
Any Chiller- Any Problem- Any Part- Any Refrigerant- Anywhere- The MAXIMUS ADVANTAGE™
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Give us a bell on 0161 237 3727. We are more than happy to assist you with technical issues.
Send an email to: service@maximuschillers.com
What We Offer for Glycol Chillers
Chiller Repair
UK and overseas coverage.
Same day delivery of parts direct to site.
Chiller Maintenance
Dedicated glycol chiller maintenance engineers: we understand the water system as well as the fridge system.
Chiller Service
Have you had your machine looked at recently? Chillers lose efficiency over time. We offer an expert glycol chiller service visit to sort out your problems!
Case Study of Glycol Chillers
A large -10 glycol chiller was having Low Pressure problems. After it had been off for a while it ran okay. Then 5 minutes into the run, however, the low pressure would start dropping off at an increasing rate until a LP trip occurred. The previous company had fitted an expansion valve and pressure tested the system. The onsite engineer said the glycol condition was okay "let me check with my instrument" our engineer said. As he thought- it was a glycol issue. A chiller repair was arranged.
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