The Service, Maintenance and Repair of Ammonia Chillers
Ammonia chillers are the core of our business. We are a chiller company with years of industrial refrigeration experience.
The system components are packaged together on a skid. This allows easy access for the technician to carry out works.
The on going maintenance is usually carried out monthly on critical plant. Three or four times a year where there are redundant systems. Bespoke packages can also be arranged to suit the specific requirements of your process.
Compressor Loading
The compressor needs to run in normal operating conditions to load effectively. System issues can cause the compressor to run outside of these operating conditions. When this happens, over heating can occur, then a compressor failure will result.
Ammonia Chillers Service and Repair Kit
Maximus Chillers are experts in the field of service and repairs. We have state of the art ammonia safety equipment. Each engineer attends site with an ammonia kit bag.
Breathing Apparatus
Ammonia grade breathing apparatus is provided, tested, certificated and fit tested to the individual engineer.
Our engineers wear full length overalls to protect exposed skin against ammonia splashes. Ammonia grade gloves and fit tested goggles are worn routinely.
NH3 Leak Detector
Each engineer has an electronic ammonia detector which alarms above the high level limit, this warns the engineer he has reached his exposure time limit.
Chemical Suits
Chemical suits are provided as part of the kit.
Ammonia Warning Signs
Ammonia warning signs are provided to hang on the entrance and exit to the machine room. This is to warn other authorised engineers and the end user that the chiller is being worked on.

What We Offer for Ammonia Chillers
Great service and an office easy to deal with. Excellent customer service does not cost anything. If we have a problem, it is our duty to sort it out.
Any Chiller- Any Problem- Any Part- Any Refrigerant- Anywhere- The MAXIMUS ADVANTAGE™
Case Study of Ammonia Chillers
We recently attended an ammonia chiller factory on mainland Europe. We were shown through the process of production and were shown videos of a retrofit. Looking at the design calculations for ammonia as opposed to other refrigerants- it is by far the best refrigerant for industrial applications.
Why Choose Us for Ammonia Chillers?
Ammonia chillers are our bread and butter! These machines are the type we work most with. You can rest assured that you are in the safe hands of trained professionals.
Next Steps...
Ring our office on 0161 237 3727
Drop us a line service@maximuschillers.com
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