R134a Chilling Plant Maintenance

R134a Chilling Plant Maintenance

We recently carried out R134a chilling plant maintenance at our customer’s factory in the North West. The chiller is 600kw with 2 single compressor systems. It has an ‘in house’ controller on it with occasional spurious trip outs. We are working with the problem so...
Chilled Water System Maintenance

Chilled Water System Maintenance

Flow Switch The chilled water system flow switch requires regular maintenance due to a to build up of contaminants on the sensor. Over time, slime accumulates giving false readings. The problem is relatively easy to sort out: a wipe with a cloth. Retrieving the Sensor...
Chiller Fan Deck Service

Chiller Fan Deck Service

Bodger Watch Chiller fan deck service is usually very good, but this is bodger watch! A new customer of ours was telling us about this little guy that used to come. He was reported to have been running around like the apprentice- ringing everybody up! Then when help...